Have you ever thought that there has to be something more? More time, more flexibility, more community… just more. I definitely have had that conversation with myself in the mirror. From starting a practice from scratch without the professional support I really craved to dealing with practice and professional burn out 18 months ago. There have been times that I was just D-O-N-E.
Thankfully, I have always come back from the brink. Most of the time that has happened with the help of other women who are in the trenches too, fighting the good fight and reminding me why I do this in the first place.
Now, I’m hoping I can help you find people that can do the same for you, when… not if… you need that little bit of encouragement that what you are doing matters. That is what all of the things we offer aim to do, to give women just like you the support and community to grow and thrive in business AND in life.
Welcome to the sisterhood!